He was born while we were living in India and trying to plant a church. We knew throughout the pregnancy that something wasn't quite right with him but we didn't know what it was exactly. It wasn't until he was born that we learned he had Down Syndrome and a rare condition called esophageal atrasea (simply meaning he had no food tube and needed to eat from a tube placed in his stomach).
We had a whirlwind of thoughts surrounding his birth. I was actually way more stressed about the esophageal issue than anything knowing that would require surgical attention. As the days went on we spent a lot of time praying for his healing and a lot of time falling in love with him. I have learned that it doesn't really matter what obstacles arrive surrounding a babies birth, once you bring that baby home and start cuddling, the love will grow! During his 7th month we ended up in Minnesota to visit a world famous surgeon who had discovered an amazing way to re-connect the esophagus through a procedure that is very successful.
Jeremiah didn't respond to any treatments they were giving him, but somehow I still felt that God would heal him, one way or another.
On June 19th I sat in our Ronald McDonald room and these words and a tune came to my heart.
Your ways- they are not
They are not like mine
Your times are different
So different than mine
I see in part
But you Lord, you see the whole
I'm never certain
But you, you're always sure...always sure
That's why
Wisdom is yours
Understanding is yours Lord
I can not see, so lead me, lead me
I will follow
Wisdom is yours
Understanding is yours Lord
I can not see so lead me, lead me
I will follow.
Lead me, lead me, lead me, I will follow
Within 24 hours of this song coming to me, we held Jeremiah's hand as he slipped away from us and into his heavenly Father's arms, on Father's day.
The 3 years following that day my heart learned many things as it slowly healed from that loss (and still is). I have taken much comfort in the fact that the Lord was not surprised at all by Jeremiah's death. I was shocked but He wasn't and the song He gave me was one way that He was reminding me that we see through a glass dimly but He sees it all. Wisdom is His, I would do things very differently than He does, so I have to trust that He has everything under control. I don't have to understand everything to be sure He is in control. I will die with many unanswered questions, but my confidence in Him doesn't come from the answers He provides me, it comes from me trusting His character and He is good.
Another thing I felt the Lord show me at one point when I was asking Him why Jeremiah's life with us was "taken" and I felt like he said "You're looking at this as if I have taken His life, but I see it as having given you 8 months with him". This truth really changed my heart and I started to become more thankful for the time we did have and grieved less over the time that we didn't have.
No matter how long we have "our" kids they are actually borrowed. My kids have the same Father I do.
I also took great comfort in Hebrews 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
I felt certain that if Jeremiah could tell me one thing it would be "Don't cry for me mom, this place is more wonderful than you can imagine, I am cheering you on, keep on running the race our Father has put before you, in time, He will make all things beautiful and you will join me here, I was just the 1st in line from our family, the 1st to see Jesus".
I can not imagine living without the ever present assurance that heaven is our home!
This life is so empty on it's own, but we can rest assured that our destination is not a great house, or a job that thrills us, or a picture perfect marriage, our ultimate goal is Jesus, simply Jesus, face to face, arms wide open, welcoming us home, to the home that he has been eagerly preparing for us. To think of all the joy and hard work we put into preparing our home for a new baby and multiply that a thousand times over. He must be so giddy with joy when he welcomes one of His children home!
Psalms 116 says- Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
I also had to come to terms with the Lord not healing Jeremiah. I had my mind wrapped around a healing on this earth and felt that He didn't love me enough to give me that. But my thinking was wrong. Jeremiah's death was not God telling me "no" at all, as I type these words He is perfectly whole.
The Lord can most certainly heal people and He still does this, but many times He chooses to work in other ways. The decision is His alone. As believers our hope is not wrapped up in healing, it's temporal. Our hope is in Jesus and that takes all the sting out of death because "death" in this life is really just the beginning of eternity with our Father in our real home.
I was sad yet happy as I read this. What a special blessing that God let us borrow for a short time. One day I will see my sweet grandson again. I look forward to telling him I love him.