Sunday, May 20, 2012

I want beautiful feet!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

Beautiful feet?  I am usually pretty grossed out by people's feet to be honest. I think about feet more than I did in America now though. See, in Chinese culture it is polite to remove your shoes when entering a home. You then place some "House Slippers"
on your feet. You don't even want me to begin telling you some of the things
that your shoes have been touching while walking on the streets, so while living
here you see the purpose in removing your shoes and happily embrace the "slippers".
It may be true that the slippers have been worn by 87 people before you, but you
will take your chances.
I have always admired those freshly pedicured toenails happily smiling through glittered flip-flops though. I don't have those kind of feet at all! Mine are more like short little stubs that God decided to make just long enough to enable me to keep balance. But forget the way my toes look in summer shoes, I want the kind of feet that God says are beautifull!

I have always had a strong desire to share Jesus with people. However I have not always been good at it. To be honest, I have gone about it in some very wrong ways. I remember locking my neighbor friend in my bedroom closet as a child because I was unsure about her eternal destination. I gave her strict orders that she was allowed to come out after I felt sure her confession to love Jesus forever what honest and true, not simply to get out of the closet and run home to tell her mom that her Christian neighbors were crazy folk!
That story makes me laugh now and as far as I know she isn't in therpy ~ shew!
Even though my "Methods" needed some fine tuning, my heart was in the right place.

I love the way Luke puts it ~ “Go into the highways and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
Acts 2 shows us the passion that Peter spoke to the crowd with ~  With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."

Jude puts it like this ~ Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.

See, the closer I get to Jesus, the more aware I become about the eternal destinations of those around me and I am burdened by this. I want beautiful feet, I really do! I want to spend my energy sharing Jesus with people around me. I simply can't think of any better way to "Spend" my life.  I think about ways to share, I pray about ways to share, I read about ways to share....I want to be good at it!

I don't claim to have arrived in this area, all I am saying is I want to get better and better at sharing Jesus in a clear and compelling way. 2nd Thess 3:1 "Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord's message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes, just as when it came to you."
Something that I am learning though, is that once we settle once and for all in our minds that people will indeed reject the message then it helps to remove that fear. It's gonna happen! Not everyone is going to accept Jesus gift of salvation, His word tells us that. We have to determine ahead of time that we are just going to keep "Fishing". If I were really fishing and didn't catch anything after 10 minutes I would never think to simply go home because "Oh well, I tried". I would wait it out. That is how evangelism is. You just determine to be a voice for the Lord, ask Him to help you, then you share, and you share some more, and you keep on sharing...and look for the ones who's hearts are have been prepared to receive the Words of life.
The harvest is ready, someone is ready! That's a promise, don't forget it. Someone is waiting to hear those Words of life, that you hold so dear. Chances are they don't even know. How can they know if they have not heard?

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11

If you feel your zeal starting to fade, spend time simply thinking about the cross, the Good News and all that happened on that wonderful day.

 (The best and clearest way that I have heard the Gospel explained is through the Way of The Master ministries ~ You can find more info here
Sometimes when we have been Christians for a while, we think we are beyond simple Gospel truths and we spend time going "Deeper" ~ and while it's true that we need to "Grow up and mature in the Lord" we should never be so mature that we lose the child-like, heart-melting, overwhelming understanding of all that we were offered because God paid our death penalty on the cross. It was Good News 2,000 years ago and it's still Good News today! So let's share it, and share it again and keep on sharing it, until we see Jesus face to face!

Friday, May 18, 2012

What makes a good mother?

This week my boys and I had a belated Mother's Day date.
We went to a little French place in town. I am not a huge fan on French eating, because you always leave with empty pockets and a belly that isn't quite full, but the place is darling. Not to mention the fact that it's their favorite place.  They were so excited for days leading up to our "Date" and it was very sweet to have lunch with just them. I had fun joking with them about how they are only ever allowed to date 2 women their entire lives - their mother and their wife ;-)

With all the Mother's Day talk I thought alot about what it is exactly that makes a "Good" mother. Since I am raising "Third Culture Kids" I have become increasingly aware that a "Good" mother means different things in different places. Chinese mother's show their love in very different ways than Western mothers do (for the most part). I have come to appreciate seeing different "styles".
 Even within a country people often times can't agree on details like bed times, napping, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, schooling, TV time, etc. That's exactly what those things are though, no matter how dogmatic some may be, they are details. We can not create our parenting views on our society, for one reason they don't even agree. As Christians, our authority always comes back to Jesus and what His Word says. Last week one of my Chinese friends, who is a fairly new believer told me he had been thinking about how he would have a conversation that would introduce his faith to his children (when he actually has children ;-). I found that to be an interesting thought, because I had never even considered sharing my faith with my children in an introductory conversation. I want them to have lived with Jesus at the center of their family for as far back they can remember. I shared Deut. 6 with him " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

This pretty much covers "When" to share Jesus with your kids - ALL the time. Because He is isn't someone we just sing about on Sunday, and He isn't someone who just teaches us how to live a moral life, He isn't just someone we read about in the Bible, He isn't just some idea. He is everything, He is the center of our lives or at least He should be. I want my kids to "Live" Jesus. That is what I believe makes us a "Good" mom/parent in God's eyes. A parent who points to Jesus!
When I think of my own mom I can see that she did just that. Was she perfect? No, neither am I. But she did point me to Jesus!
See we can't "Make" our kids do anything! Boy, don't we all wish we could sometimes? If we could "make" our kids do what we wanted, then there would be no spankings needed - ever, no time-outs, no "talks" - instead we could all wake up to the voices of our children singing "The hills are alive with the sound of music" while making our coffee - ahhh, it's a lovely dream ;-)

"Good parenting = 1 mom + 1 dad + The Holy Spirit"

 All we can do is punish wrong behavior and keep on pointing to Jesus. Because He is the one who gives our hearts the desire to do right.

The fact of the matter is, Scott and I are not rich. Now I know this will come as a shock to most of you since we sport such fancy clothes and all (teehee), but we most likely won't be those parents that leave all sorts of fancy stuff to our chidlren in our will. Although Isaiah did inform me today then when I do die, he gets first dibs on my new Chinese Necklace ;-) What I do plan to leave my children is something of far more value than earthly possesions. I want to leave them with a love for Jesus. It will be up to them, if they want to embrace Him for themselves. No parents can pass on salvation! All we can do is point to Him, lead them to Him, show them how wonderful He is, show them that they can't get to heaven any other way that by the route that He has mapped out ~ Jesus!
 But He by far is the most precious thing we could ever give!
44 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."

Monday, May 14, 2012

We gotta stick together.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." ~ Galatians 6:10
In our city of 10 million there are very few believers serving here as missionaries and out of the ones who are here VERY few have children (hhmmm, wonder why that is ;-). We are blessed to know a few families here and today we happened to see all 3 of them in the same day. That might be some kind of a record ;-)
 I love the common bond that comes simply from all of us being "foreign". This bond is about more  than all of us knowing that bananas or ketchup on pizza is just plane wrong, no matter how you look at it - wrong!
We don't come from the same states, we don't work with the same organizations, we might not even be from the same denominations or read from the same translation but we are on the same team!
We have the same Father.
We all have a heart to advance the kingdom here and that unites us. I have a strong burden to help them in any way I can because I want to see them succeed.
It is so important as Christians that we concentrate on the things that we have in common, which far outweigh the things we may not agree on. Major on the majors and minior on the minors.
Jesus spoke so much about His followers being unified that it has to be a must for us.

"I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me." John 17:21


Saturday, May 12, 2012

You know your family is living in China when...

1. Your children spend their hour of outside play time driving around in an old Chinese man's electric wheel-chair (ps you just met him 2 seconds ago).
2. You can't go from point A to point B without answering the following questions -
    - Are all these children yours?
    - Are they REALLY all yours?
    - Does America pay you to have children?

3. You now consider Pizza Hut to be a fancy restaurant.
4. Your family talks consist of visa conversations more than current events.
5. You meet strangers who tell you where you live because they know who you are (keep in mind you don't think you've ever seen them before in your life). And they may even show you your picture on their cell phone.
6. You are no longer worried when strangers hand your children food.
7. Your children spend their free time googling things like "How to say kangaroo in Chinsese"
8. Your kids prefer eating peanuts with chopsticks.
9. You get excited to find wheat bread at the store.
10. You eat your fish with the head and tail.
11. You buy street food from little bycicles that have used the same oil for at least a good 7 days.

12. Your surgeon gives you his e-mail address and asks you to please be his friend.
13. You carry toilet paper with you everwhere you go.
14. People can't resist touching your babies hands and face the whole time you're outside.
15. If you walk somewhere, you have to add in extra time for conversations.
16. Your children have no clue what American kids think is cool and you are very VERY happy about that!
17. You only remember it's an American holiday because a Chinese student told you.
18. The local grocery store has an entire isle dedicated to top Ramen and another one entirely for various types of sauces.
19. Girls hold your hands regularly when talking to you.
20. You get scolded because your babies wear diapers.
21. You're the only one around for miles who homeschools.
22. You can't remember what ice in a drink was like....was it a sweet dream?
23. You make a new friend every single time you exit your home!
24. You have not worn a seatbelt in months!
25. You eat chips that are random flavors like seaweed and ketchup.
26. A good portion of the guys you know have perms and think it's cool.
27. All the women you know wear high heeled boots all year, yes even when there is ice outside.
28. Your friends all have names like Apple, snowflake, Punk, Echo, Ivy, Ultra-man, Teddy bear, Happy.
29. You talk about "home" and your children ask "Which one?"
30. You eat things with toenails...and you like them!
31. You no longer think drinking hot water is weird anymore.
32. You would not trade your crazy life for anything in the world ;)

Looking at the glass half full

"Hold on to the good ~ avoid every kind of evil" - 1st Thessalonians 5:21,22

I passed this verse this week and it reminded of something the Lord showed me awhile back.
In our "unique" missionary lifestyle we have done a lot of moving. I have had many conversations with people about living overseas and it seems like the one thing that comes naturally to us all is the ability to be negative. It is way to easy to see all the things we don't like.
So at one point I felt the Lord speak to me and say "Concentrate on the good and ignore the bad". I don't mean ignore sin, I am simply referring to cultural annoyances.
During our first year in China I had to actually write out a list of things that I liked about living here - and trust me, I had to look with creative eyes at that point to make any kind of list. I don't remember the complete list but I do remember a few things. It was something like this -
Chinese people are good at
1. Doing nails
2. Cooking fish
3. Taking pictures
4. Dressing warm

If I wrote out a list tonight about things I love in China it would be incredibly long as I have grown to love this place more and more.

As believers I believe being positive is part of our calling. We are commanded over and over to give thanks continually. God would never have asked us to do this if it weren't possible. Granted there are seasons where this is far hader to do but Paul said the secret to being content is the strength of the Lord. We need His eyes to live with hope. 

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:10-13)

When we choose to make being thankful a habit we also benefit. A cheerful heart is good medicine.

 Several weeks ago our son had to get a surgery here in Harbin. The care is not top notch and it was very stressful! After one of my "shifts" at the hospital I remember walking home and just saying outloud everything that I was thankful for. Thank you Lord that we caught this in time, thank you Lord that the Dr. was nice, thank you Lord that even though the hospital told us there were no beds, we eventually got one. There was a war inside me though. My mind was saying - Why did this have to happen while we were here and not in the states? Why does this stupid country not believe in giving pain meds to my hurting little boy? Why do we not own a car like other people so we do not have to hail a taxi with a son in terrible pain? Those questions went on and on but when I fought those thoughts by choosing to look at God's hand on us I felt stronger.

Christians do not have the luxury of seeing the glass half empty. I do not mean to imply we need to be fake. If we are not happy we can be honest with the Lord. I simply mean that we can not live in a place where we allow negativity to rule our thinking and blame it on things like our "personality". We can create good habits or bad habits and living with a thankful heart is something we must choose to do.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is fair, whatever is pure, whatever is acceptable, whatever is commendable, if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy-keep thinking about these things.

Friday, May 11, 2012

You know you're a mother if.....

This list came to my mind a while back- I thought I would share - feel free to add your own. Hope you get a laugh somewhere in here.

1. Your child hands you a little something with a smile only for you to discover it's a booger.
2. You can never wear white again!
3. The sexiest thing you own is a maternity bra!
4. You have put a binky in your mouth to clean it off.
5. You have sat a crying baby on your lap while you pee.
6. You experience regualar kidney pain because of your infrequent trips to the bathroom.
7. You consider it a holiday when you get to shower without a little person showering with you.
8. You have put the baby in a car seat or high chair with you in the bathroom to actually be able to shower.
9. You are no longer embarrased when people call on the phone and hear you yelling at your kids in the back.
10. You see pretty markers at the store and can only picture unwanted drawings on your walls!
11. You have actually "pre-chewed" food for your baby before.
12. You have days where you are ok with feeding your kids the same meal for breakfast, lunch and possibily dinner.
13. You can pretty much only get on the internet while nursing a baby.
14. You are holding a baby or toddler right now.
15. You can not even make it through a short movie from start to finish because of the never ending "to do" list running through your mind.
16. You count to 3 to warn your children as well as calm yourself down.
17. Your "Bible reading" pretty much consists of children's devotionals.
18. The last book you read from start to finish was "Green Eggs & Ham.
19. You have more packs of playdough than tubes of lipstick in your house.
20. You can't remember the last time ALL of your laundry was done.
21. You regularly have to smell brown "spots" to see if they are chocolate or poop.
22. You have stepped in pee more than once in a day in your own home and you don't even own pets!
23. You have 50 or more single socks and no clue where their matches are.

What Worship Does

So I finally broke down and started a blog. Seems people these days have a blog about everything. I have never been particularly interested in the whole idea for a few reasons. One being time, it takes time...something I am lacking these days ~ But as it turns out, I just so happened to have a leftover piece of chocolate birthday cake in my fridge. So Felicity is busy and I have a free 10 minutes to jot down some thoughts before I move on to cleaning her up ;-)

Last night my husband and a few friends blessed me with a keyboard for my birthday. As if it were destiny a sweet Chinese friend also gave me a large Starbucks coffee. So being the responsible nursing mother that I am, I decided to chug only half my coffee and spend the first half of the night banging on my new keyboard. The funny thing about this is, I don't actually play. I don't play well anyway. I see both the guitar and the keyboard as a tool to simply get out the song in my heart. Worship is such an amazing gift to me. All through scriptures I see how God causes songs to rise up in people.
 I was telling my husband that when I worship I feel like one of those old AM radios. All throughout my day my "ear" to hear the Lord sounds a lot like the fuzz from a radio that can't quite settle on a station, but when I begin to sing to the Lord, it's like the tuner starts to find it's spot and I can "hear" a bit more clearly.
The words that kept playing over and over in my mind last night were "Where else would we go Lord? Only you have the words of life!". Very appropriate words too, since earlier that night we sat talking about 1st and 2nd Thessolonians with several friends. No special speakers, no fancy music, no mics or sound systems, just hungry hearts and the scriptures, but more than enough to satisfy.

I remember when we first moved to Harbin back in March 2007. Back when I had only 2 little ones and I thought my hands were "full".
 Our move here was unlike anyone elses that I know of. We didn't have the funds for a preliminary trip to visit and get a "feel" for the land. It was either move there or don't go. So we came. We knew no contacts here. We spoke no Chinese, we knew nothing about Chinese say it was a rough first year is an understatement!!!! I am not a big "cryer" but during those first few months I would cry a lot and even got to the point where I would cry in public. My local KFC could have filled a coffee cup with the tears that I let flow while watching my kids play. Then one night I remember Scott pulling out the guitar and worshipping. I already knew that the Lord had given me a word to "Worship with the windows open" - but honestly I didn't "feel" like worshipping. I could sense His still small voice telling me to "Stand up and put your hands in the air". I wrestled with my pride for a minute or 2, and eventually decided I had nothing to lose. So I obeyed. That simple act of obedience proves to be powerful time and time again. I knew at that point God was trading my sorrow for joy, my tears for laughter. China didn't change, my husband's job with all it's stress didn't change, I wasn't a flunt Chinese speaker after that, people didn't stop telling me that I was a bad mother for not dressing my children in layers and layers of clothes, no one stopped spitting on the ground near my shoes, my TINY apartment was not suddenly beautiful - but the joy of the Lord had rescued me. Nothing about our circumstances has to change to experience His joy, and it's that joy that the Bible says is our strength! I need His strength, I must have His joy, so really worship is a life-line! It reminds us that we are small and God is great!

So will I make beautiful music and sound like Beetoven on my new keybaord? Don't count on it! But will I worship my heart out? I have to! I was created to! I remember a quote I heard once, though cheesy, it holds truth. It says "I don't want no rock crying out in my place". So join me, pick up your guitar, or your keyboard or even bang a pot, tap your toe - do something! Let's worship Him together. Let's bless His name! He loves to hear us sing, no matter the sound. I once heard Him speak to me while I was choking back tears and still trying to sing. He said "I love your voice most when it's muffled by the tears". He hears our hearts and when a heart of love flows through our song, He is blessed!